Halloween costumes originated in western countries, began as a prank, every Year on November 1, parents take their children out together, children dressed in funny and cute costumes (generally adults parked on the road, children knock on the door to ask for candy). Adults had asked children to go only to homes with festive decorations and lighted doors, otherwise they would not be disturbed. In addition to the process of candy must always stand at the gate waiting, not enter the house, for safety, candy to be returned to the parents to check before allowed to eat. The host can’t give homemade candy or unwrapped candy to the host.
The history of Christmas Christmas is a religious festival. We celebrate it as the birth of Jesus Christ. this every Christian church in the world has special liturgies. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards make Christmas one a day of universal celebration.
Christmas is the biggest festival in the Christian world. Historians find the year 354 in the Roman Christian calendar the December 25 page records that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea. After research, it is generally considered that December 25 is accompanied by Christmas.
With the widespread spread of Christianity, Christmas has become an important festival for Christians of all denominations, even the majority of non-Christians. In many countries, people attach great importance to this festival and associate it with the New Year, and the celebration is much more popular and grand than the New Year,Become a national holiday. The main commemoration of December 25 is related to the legend of the birth of Jesus Christ.
In these two special festivals, people will wear special clothes to participate in various activities. With the continuous innovation of young people, today’s festival clothes are becoming more and more personalized and diversified, which is favored by people.